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Jdk 1.4.2 For Aix Download: Comparing and Contrasting the Java SE 1.4 SDK with Other Versions and Pl

Thank you for downloading this release of the JavaTM Platform, Standard Edition Development Kit (JDKTM). The JDK is a development environment for building applications, applets, and components using the Java programming language.

Read Loading JVM libraries for JNI applications for important informationabout a security fix that impacts native C/C+ applications that use the Java Native Interface (JNI) invocation API to imbed a Java virtualmachine. The AIX web browsers are an example of applications that were impacted bythis change. After installing Java 1.4.2 SR2 (service refresh 2) or asubsequent service refresh, you will probably receive the following errormessage when viewing a Java applet in the browser:

Jdk 1.4.2 For Aix Download

Technical changes for this Version 1.4.2 User Guide, other than minor orobvious ones such as updating "1.4.1" to "1.4.2", are indicated in red whenviewing in HTML or in a color-printed copy and by vertical bars to the leftof the changes.

There is a possible compatibility considerationif you are using the SDK as part of another product, for example WAS, andyou upgrade from a previous level of the SDK, perhaps v1.4.1, to v1.4.2. Ifyou serialized the classes with a previous level of the SDK, the classes mightnot be compatible. However, within v1.4.2, classes are compatible from servicerefresh to service refresh.

The documentation package is designed to be extracted into the SDK softwareinstallation directory. If you download the ZIP file archive version, be sureto preserve the path names when you extract the files from the archive.

Note: These elements of PATH changed, at Version 1.3.0, from the previous SDK releases. The v1.4.2 SDK doesnot use a java wrapper as Version 1.1.x and 1.2.2 did. When you installthe v1.4.2 SDK in the /usr/java14/ directory, if you have symboliclinks created by the V1.1.8 SDK and you don't set up the PATH environment variable, the V1.1.8 SDK is pickedup as the default. You are not recommended to remove the old linksin case you have applications that require the V1.1.8 SDK.

From Version 1.4.2 Service Refresh 4, using the -jar command-line option will make the .jar file the source of alluser classes; all other user CLASSPATH settings willbe ignored.

If the Java heap becomes nearly full, and very little garbageis to be reclaimed, requests for new objects might not be satisfied quicklybecause no space is immediately available. If the heap is operated at near-fullcapacity, application performance might suffer regardless of which of theabove options is used; and, if requests for more heap space continue to bemade, the application receives an OutofMemory exception, which results inJVM termination if the exception is not caught and handled. At this pointthe JVM will produce two diagnostic files: a Heapdump and a Javadump. Theseare detailed in the Diagnostics Guide for Java v1.4.2 and can be used to determinewhat caused the high occupancy of the Java heap. The Diagnostics Guide is on developerWorks, at: In these conditions, you are recommended either to increase the heapsize by using the -Xmx option, or to reduce the numberof application objects in use.

Read Loading JVM libraries for JNI applications for importantinformation about a security fix that impacts native C/C+ applications thatuse the Java Native Interface (JNI) invocation API to imbeda Java virtual machine. The AIX web browsers are an example of applicationsthat were impacted by this change. After installing Java 1.4.2 SR2 (service refresh 2) or asubsequent service refresh, you will probably receive the following errormessage when viewing a Java applet in the browser:

The OMG specifies a method ORB::register_initial_reference to registera service with the Interoperable Naming Service. However, this method is notavailable in the Sun Java Core API at Version 1.4.2. Programs thatneed to register a service in the current version must invoke this methodon the IBM internal ORB implementation class. For example, to register a service"MyService":

Java JIT implementations generate executable machine code in C heap memory;therefore, Java launchers must be exempt from SED. You make programsexempt from SED by setting the XCOFF executable file header flag DEP_EXEMPT.From Version 1.4.2 Service Refresh 4, all Java launchers have the appropriate bitset to exempt them from the SED feature.

From Version 1.4.2 SR2, library cache data is no longer used to locatethe JRE directory tree. Instead, the location of the Java launcheris used when a standard launcher is invoked and the standard AIX LIBPATH environment variable is searched if the JVM is invoked by a nativeprogram using the Java Native Interface (JNI).

Java Web Start is a way of deploying Java technology-based applications. Itconnects the computer and the Internet and allows the user to launch and manageapplications directly from the Web. Java Web Start provides one-click activationof applications, and ensures that you are always running the latest version,eliminating installation or upgrade procedures. Often, distributing softwareacross the Web requires you to find the installer on the Web, download theinstaller, locate the installer, and execute the installer. After the installeris executed, it prompts for installation directories and installation optionssuch as full, typical, or minimum. This can be a time-consuming and complicatedtask that must be repeated for each new version of the software.

In contrast, Web-deployed applications, such as your HTML-based e-mailclient and calendar, are straightforward to install and use. The Web browserhas automated the process. There are no complicated download, setup, and configurationsteps, and you are guaranteed to be running the latest version. Java WebStart provides the same benefits to full-featured applications.

All these actions cause Web Start to start the selected application. Theapplication is downloaded if this is the first time it is being used. Onlater invocations, the original Web site is checked to see whether any updatesare available. Web Start downloads these updates before the application isstarted.

Your application can either pre-req the AIX SDK or shipwith a AIX Runtime Environment. Note that the AIX SDK license does not allow you to redistributeany of the SDK's files with your application. You can redistribute the AIX RuntimeEnvironment with your application. The AIX Runtime Environment is available fromthe AIX Java Web site: ). Click on the Download link on the right-handside of the page and follow the links to the Java 1.4 download page.

The Install JDK 1.4.2 dialog appears when running a Form on the Web for the first time. When you click Install, the JDK 1.4.2 Plug-in is installed instead of the JDK 1.4.2_06 Plug-in. If you are attempting to use the JDK 1.4.2 plugin from Internet Explorer, and it is not currently installed on your machine, it will download the wrong version. The workarounds are:

  • Hello Vamsi,You can download the correct IBM JVM for AIXPPC64 from here. 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You can find more information about installation steps in Implementing Java on AIX: Download, installation, and configuration.Best regards,Adam Csaba Goetz\",\"author\":\"username\":\"csaba.goetz\",\"displayName\":\"Adam Csaba Goetz\",\"groupIcons\":[\"name\":\"employee\",\"title\":\"This user is an SAP Employee\",\"priority\":21],\"suspended\":false,\"isCurrentUser\":false,\"id\":9447577,\"posted\":1343379666000,\"votes\":3,\"isAccepted\":false,\"isLocked\":false,\"userVoted\":\"\",\"relations\":\"score\":3,\"canCancelAccept\":false,\"canUnlock\":false,\"canUseDelete\":false,\"canVoteDownOrCancel\":false,\"canLock\":false,\"canAccept\":false,\"type\":\"answer\",\"canVoteUpOrCancel\":false,\"isCurrentUserAuthor\":false,\"attachments\":[],\"body\":\"What is the Netweaver version of the SAP system you are planning to install?Check the following SAP notes Note 1090932 - IBM download site for special JDK builds - iFixNote 716927 - Overview of AIX JVM for NetWeaver 2004 and 7.0 (2004s)Also for ABAP only system , you do not require Vendor JDK or SAP JVM to run an SAP system.For ABAP+JAVA systems or JAVA only system , vendor JDKs have been replaced by SAP JVM which is used as the JRE for JAVA applications. From NW 7.1 onwards, the SAP systems come with SAPJVM installed during installation . For prior release , you can switch from vendor JDK (1.4.2) to SAP JVM 4.1 after the installation.Also when you install , the SAPINST program does a self extraction of the JRE required for running the installation using sapinst. So the bottom line is install the IBM JDK if you are installing an ABAP+JAVA or JAVA only SAP system prior to NW 7.1 release . 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