In Eastern Africa Monica Wilson recorded the custom through her fieldwork with the Nyakyusa people in the 1930s, and in Southern Africa Isaac Schapera worked with the Nama people, the largest group amongst the Khoikhoi, early in the 20th century,[11] publishing The Khoisan Peoples of South Africa in 1930, in which he documents labia stretching.
I've read a lot of your articles on labia but I still can't seem to get the thought of my own out of my head. Mine are big and noticeable which I know are normal but still bother me. I think it looks gross in certain underwear and I am very insecure about it. At times I even try to tuck them in so you can see them. I am 16 and started noticing this about a year or so ago. I am not sure if I was always like this or not. I've been with this guy for about 8 months and hes been down there with his hands and what not but I am a virgin and I was very skeptical about even letting him preform oral sex on me because of the reaction that he might have thinking it's disgusting. About a week ago at his house things started to get serious but kept my hands covering my vagina because I was nervous. He was confused at why I would do that and told me he really want to give me oral sex and I really wanted to. I eventually let him and he did not say one thing bout my larger labia. I was very surprised and pleased but couldn't shake the idea of what he really thought. I still consider surgery when I turn 18 for myself. I just cannot get the thought that I look gross out of my mind. I really need help on what I should do.
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Auntie Heather on Cosmetic Surgery Our policy at Scarleteen is to do our best to be supportive of whatever elective choices people make about their bodies so long as they do not interfere with health and well-being. But just know that genital cosmetic surgery like labiaplasty, which is not recommended by most gynecologists, does pose real risks, including the same risks of other surgeries as well as risks of reduced or changed sexual sensation or comfort. As well, it costs big money, and studies have shown that when self-esteem is the underlying problem, surgery rarely fixes that problem. While some people have labial surgery due to real pain and discomfort from labia substantially longer than average, most labial surgeries are done for 100% cosmetic reasons. So, my personal advice to you is to work on your esteem first, and use big money you can save up for something that is more likely to support your esteem and the quality of your life, be it education, travel, publishing your own work, a big charity give, a place of your own or realizing some other dream that's about who you are and what you can do rather than about what you look like.
My labia minora are very large and protrude about half a centimeter past my out labia, some websites I have looked at have said this is abnormal and ugly. I am almost sexually active having done everything but oral sex to me and full sex, I am very worried about this! Please help!
It's normal for the color of the labia to deepen or change with and through puberty. Just like there are changes to the penis and testicles during all of puberty, the vulva changes too, and it's more than the growth of pubic hair. The mons, for instance, usually loses some of its fat and pulls up slightly, meaning that labia minora you couldn't see before may wind up being labia minora you now can see, even when you're just standing around. As well, both the labia majora and the labia minora will usually get larger over the course of puberty. Let's not forget that a lot of folks think all of puberty is a shorter process than it usually is: most folks aren't completely done until their twenties, and some finish a few years later than that.
Some folks have had concerns from the get-go, but then taken a few steps further by seeing some labia in porn or overhearing or reading people discussing labia who often are totally uninformed (gee: thanks, Internet!), then a whole bunch of steps further by cosmetic surgeons who found ways to make seriously large cash off of this.
If large labia minora cause pain or discomfort during activities such as sex or sporting events, a person may want to talk about their options with a doctor. In some cases, the doctor may recommend labiaplasty.
Innie and outie vaginas describe the way the vulva looks on the outside. Someone may say that they have an outie vagina when the labia minora appear larger than the labia majora. This is perfectly normal.
Note: In some cases, a disproportionately large labia minora can cause medical issues. This is called labial hypertrophy. "People with this condition can experience changes in sensation including pain during sports and other activities, and an increased likelihood of infection and irritation," says Granese. If your labia interferes with your life, see a doctor to get evaluated.
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